Tool FAQs

Platter Exchanger Tool FAQ's


Q. Can you teach us how to transplant the platters?

A. The manual provided with the tools briefly explain how to transplant the platters.Also, our online courses for 5 and 14 days will train you to exchange platters.


Q. Where do the goods ship from?

A. The goods (products / hardware) are manufactured , tested and shipped from India.



Q. How long does it take from payment to receiving the goods?

A. It takes 24 to 48 working hours to ship your order from our end & one week to 10 days for the delivery (note we cannot be held responsible for customs delays or strikes)  


Q. The drive I am working on has 4 platters and it is the Western Digital 1000 GB Barracuda with the heat spacers. Will your tool remove these platters?

A. Yes the platter exchanger tool will remove the platters with the heat spreaders / spacers as well.


Q. Can you tell me how a hard disk works?

A. Our online training course will give you this information.


Q. I have a hard drive with more than 3 platters; can I still use your platter exchanger tool?

A. . yes the 3.5" and 2.5" tools are designed to remove a maximum of 4 platters.

Q. Do I need to order two of these to do a platter swap?

A. No the tool when ordered comes as a pair, one for target and one for donor drive.


Q. Can I get a refund on my product?

A. As per our refund policy, we will refund the amount if they are returned unpacked within 24 hours of delivery or later,if we are not able to provide a valid solution for your problem (for which you purchased the tool) , no shipping costs will be refunded as the item was shipped. Refunds on training are given only if cancelled within 48 hrs of  your course start date.

Q. Is the tool free with your 14 day course?

A. Yes , with our 14 day course you will receive a pair of laptop and desktop platter exchanger tools.You will also receive a lot more free hardware.


Note:We have tested the tools only with hard drives commonly found in India.