Work Bench

Work Bench (Version 4.0)

Why Work Bench?

While performing data recovery, it is extremely important that there should not be any misalignment of the components of your hard drive. This misalignment usually takes place when you exchange or replace any part of your hard drive. Work Bench has been designed keeping this fact in mind. It lets you recover your lost data and perform any other action on your hard drive on a stable and reliable platform.



Structure of Work Bench

1) The Table

This is the main area where you can place your hard drives to replace or exchange your hard drive components.


2) The Tray

Hard drive screws such as top cover screws, read write connector screws,magnet screws can be kept in this section.


3) Guide Bars

These bars enable you to swap your hard drives without creating any chaos in the work area.


4) Screw Driver Base

There are two slots at the back side of work bench for keeping all your screw drivers,tweezers etc. This way , it provides you with a complete working table in a smaller area.


5) Side Pins

These pins help you to adjust hard drives just before performing any actions on them , so that none of the components get misaligned.

In order to adjust or exchange the read write screws which are beneath the hard drives , a provision is given for uplifting the work bench.

New Features

1. Updated bench with supporting stand to easy use for lab working.

2. More flexible and user friendly for working with removable legs.

3. Easy to carry and light weighted.

Are you struggling hard to swap a hard drive Head Stack and still not able to do it ? The reason behind this is while you swap, the head and the platter get interacted with each other and hence do not let you swap your hard drives.


To overcome this, you need a professional tool using which you can work without worrying about any kind of data loss.

Work Bench

We have now come up with such a tool :Work Bench using which you can swap your desktop and/or laptop hard drives without any hassle.  

Shipping Charges
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Work Bench
In Stock
349 USD
80 USD
429 USD
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Video : Working on Work Bench

The Work Bench is manufactured to the highest technical specifications. The structure specified above ensures an excellent working area.

Payment through bank transfer .


BANK Transfer Details:

A/C Holder Name: HDRC Co.

Current Account Number :: 50200049400649

Bank :: HDFC Bank

Branch :: Nehru Place, New Delhi

IFSC :: HDFC0001374

Before using these tools on client's hard drives, do lots of practice on scrap hard drive to get perfection and best results.